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How to use and stock the mirrors ?
1.Keep the silver mirror storage area as dry as possible, avoid rain and moisture contact, do not store in the open air, keep away from aci,d alkaline liquid or gas, and do not store it with other chemicals.
2.Avoid excessive use of cutting oil, which must be cleaned within 1 day after cutting. Otherwise it is easy to corrode the edges.
3.The edging speed should not be too fast, the slanting edge should be less than 2m/min, the cooling water should be enough, dry grinding is strictly forbidden, the edging is too fast, the lens is heated, and the lacquer layer and the silver layer are easily peeled off.
4.Cooling water, polishing water and chemicals should be used when grinding. It should be replaced with the change of PH. Generally, the PH value is between 7-8. The water for the processor is preferably clean tap water to keep the water clean.
5.After edging, it should be cleaned in time, dried and stored. When packing, the operator should wear gloves to avoid the sweat on the hand to contaminate the edge of the mirror. The septum rubber should be made of sulfur-free material, and the nylon rope should be kept clean and neutral.
6.The edging machine and the washing machine should be cleaned regularly, and the condition of the grinding wheel should be checked frequently. If the wear is serious, it should be replaced immediately.
7.If the silver mirror needs to be edged, be sure to be clean and clean. The PH value of the glue is neutral, otherwise the edges will be dirt, polishing powder, nitrogenous substances, sulfides, and bacteria.
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